Judson FFA
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Texas FFA State Convention 2020

The convention site for the 92nd Annual Texas FFA Convention is now accessible! Please share the convention URL http://convention.texasffa.org with everyone in our chapter so that they can be a part of the Texas FFA’s first ever virtual convention! The first session will go live at 10:00am on Wednesday, July 8, 2020! For the full schedule, CLICK HERE.

This site will be the home of our event this year. Content will go live on this site, but it will also be archived in on-demand format for use throughout the school year! There are a lot of great things on this site, but below are a few that we wanted to draw your attention to.

Delegates & Voting

Every chapter in Texas will be able to have their delegates vote in electing the 2020-2021 Texas FFA State Officer team. Our chapter voted on these individuals during the spring season. Delegates will also vote on constitutionally mandated items of business. Delegates will vote once on Wednesday and once on Thursday.

Chapter advisors, non-delegate members, and any other convention viewer will be able to view the state officer candidate speeches and question responses from the homepage of the convention site. For the 2020 State Talent Event, voting will be open to all viewers and not limited to just delegates. 


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics